It is interesting that fire burnt Sinai slum in Nairobi. Sinai in the Bible was the place where Israel camped , in the wilderness before the promised Land. Yet the only time fire killed people in that time , was when they sinned against God. Is God still holding Kenya ransom over the bloodshed ? I do not know.

In the Bible the blood of Abel and all righteous people cries for vengeance and not mercy.

The Bible is clear that the prayers of the innocent  who were killed without reason . cry out for God to punish those who shed their blood.Yet God waits in mercy not that when will not answer them but just waits for people to repent.

Next week as Israel fights with Palestine in UN , Kenya will fight again at the ICC with the hearings involving the Deputy Prime Minister and Head of Civil service and former head of Police , who we know were involved in State Sponsored Terrorism just like their counterparts were involved in Tribal terrorism.

It will be a very  interesting  2weeks in Israel and in Kenya. …..

Arthur Owiti