One interesting population that is being abused in Christendom happens to be women.
Women happen to be the leading faithful attendants of Christian activity,surpassing men, at least here in Africa.
However a dangerous power is using women for the selfish goals far away from spiritual goals.It is sheer kidnapping dressed in religious language.

Since the church has been invaded by politics and businesses,the prey happens to be the members of
the gatherings.And since the members are mostly women, tactics that easily capture women are employed
to make the prey fall into the trap.

Politics needs numbers ,Businesses need numbers and the church has been the most safe place
to gather numbers at a go because of the religious inclination of people.

Today women have suffered the brunt of a society marked with a lot of financial strain and unjust economics.
The number of widows and single mothers is astonishing.Many have worked hard and managed despite
the hard condition of absent men.

On the other side ,the same economy has created a new class of educated rich women who have ‘made it’
and seem to be the drivers of their lives.Though most of them still get married.

Of course most of the churches hold conferences and have ministries that cater for the needs of women .
Sadly due to prosperity gospel, most are attending church to hear feel good messages instead of getting the whole counsel of God’s word.

Politically and Socially , the population of women is higher than that of men at least in Kenya and Uganda.

The ramifications of such a number politically is to appease and use the biggest group so as to employ it for political gain .Laws that favor women, or promise women benefits are seen to be goodies that are used to attract women to the side that is offering them.

One tool employed is Women Role models , who happen to be” born again Christians” showing how they are an example for the women to follow.For example First ladies who profess Christianity are a good blanket for any political group that wants to gain the votes of women.

Another tool is using God’s name.Because God’s name is very holy and revered by all God fearing people, when Christian leaders use it to sanctify a political goal,it scares the followers to do what they are saying even when it is wrong.

The current Constitution referendum campaigns have forced Christian leaders to invoke the name of God to scare Christians to do what they are saying .In Christian Politics, arguments are shut down with the “Your leaders are on God’s side,therefore it is the right side.”

Actually the current political battle is going to reveal whether Kenyans are political or religious.However I predict that most women will follow religious leaders while the most men will vote for the proposed constitution.In reality Christians are called to be prophetic and not political

The question is not about who supports who but who will win.I wonder whether they have given the options available if the vote becomes a tie ?
From the looks of things the women vote can be used as an excuse for not passing the law hence breeding chaos in Kenya.

Educated women are also good bait for many rising cults and false prophets.Many of these educated women have learnt the falsehood about today’s Christianity and the historic deceptions of mainline denominations.
They are now being nabbed by dangerous false teachers and led to overthrow their faith.

We pray that God protects these lambs who are seeking truth.It is however a fulfillment of the words of Jesus that wolves dressed in sheep clothing will devour the innocent sheep.

Women should only submit first to the Lord in spiritual matters and not a man or other woman who claims to be the anointed one lest they shall be deceived and abused and misused.


In Jesus,
Arthur Owiti